Wednesday, October 14, 2009

"Shes too Young!"

It was Sunday morning and Stewy started saying "She's too young, too young!". What?!

Chloe had, yet again, gotten a hold of my make up bag. Yes, I have a make up bag, the make up is either rarely been used, or never been used, but that's not the point! Chloe was investigating the eye shadow, the brushes, the lip stick. She found her usual favourite, the lip gloss, and came to me so I could open it and put it on. On her, that is, not me!

The other day in Penny's, I found us (Chloe, Megan and I) hanging out at the children's accessory stand. Chloe wanted to try the hair bands, hair clips and hair bobbles (that was difficult, considering she is still practically bald!) She finally decided which packet of hair clips she wanted and we were on our way. Next, we stopped at the necklaces, with beads, big and small. It was like a girly girl heaven. Then she found a bag and was all set for the rest of the shopping trip, where I had to buy vests for the girls. Exciting, I know!

Another day, I was in a clothes shop with shoes. No sooner had Chloe seen the shoes, she was on the floor taking off her own to try on the shoes there. At peoples houses, if she spots a pair of shoes abandoned, she will try them on! She walks better in high heels than me!

In almost every shop we go into, we have to find some sort of a bag for her to carry around. I know what you are thinking, I should buy her one. But once we are out of the shop she isn't interested anymore, and if I bought her every bag she fancied in the shop, she would have a collection that would rival her Aunty Mel's!

Yes, Chloe is turning into the ultimate girly girl, and she is not even 2! Now, lets look at me... I am not the ultimate girly girl. WHERE did she get this obsession with shoes, bags, make up, and accessories in general? It just goes to prove that she has her own personality. It wasn't me who shaped it into what it is now, she is just like that.

Stewy has some life ahead of him! Hehehe. He couldn't stop saying "She's too young, she cant be into all this stuff yet, she's too young!".

1 comment:

  1. isnt it amazing that our girls are born girls, with a penchant for makeup, bags and shoes. Asia loves stomping around in her daddy's work boots, hilarious when she is in a pretty skirt and pink tights.....
