Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Clocks go Back

So this weekend the clocks went back. All over there were/are Mums querying the clock change, and how will they change their little ones routine. They just have it sorted and now they've to change it! Pretty much the same posts every time the clock change comes around, whether its forward or back. Stewy was delighted about the change, all excited about our extra hours sleep. That's also how everyone else was describing it, radio, TV etc.

Well, whoever came up with that one, must never had had infants sleeping in the same house as them. WHY didn't anyone tell the children that we were supposed to sleep an extra hour.

Last night was a little tough as Megan is teething so she just wanted to be snuggled into Mummy. I really don't sleep well with anything/one snuggled into me. Then she woke up for the day quite early this morning, like she has since starting this teething thing a week ago. At this point I had forgotten about the clock change, so it was in fact an hour earlier than I thought. 5.30am! Chloe then woke and came into our room at what I thought was 8.30am, right on time. Stewy was whinging at her, telling her to "go back to bed" "give Mummy and Daddy a break". (Yeah, like that was going to work!) I asked him why he was being so hard on her, and he informed me it was actually 7.30am. I tried to explain to him that "how is she supposed to know that she should have slept an extra hour? do you think her body would just know it was that time of year?" Response - "Yeah...."

Fast forward the rest of the day and its around bedtime. Bedtime here is between 8.30pm and 9pm. This is where it gets confusing. Stewy says looking at the clock that hasn't been adjusted yet,
"Put the girls to bed at 8" (Thinking it was 7.30pm)
"At 8? no, they must go to bed at 9, to get used to the time change"
"OK, well then 8.30pm, in an hour"
"Its 6.30pm Stewy..."
"WHAT? It cant be, are you sure. It feels much later."

I did NOT get an extra hours sleep... I got an extra hour in the day. Whoever said that there are not enough hours in the day is WRONG. I am wrecked tired! I feel like I have been up for days. Its 9.15pm, and I am definitely ready for bed.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

"Shes too Young!"

It was Sunday morning and Stewy started saying "She's too young, too young!". What?!

Chloe had, yet again, gotten a hold of my make up bag. Yes, I have a make up bag, the make up is either rarely been used, or never been used, but that's not the point! Chloe was investigating the eye shadow, the brushes, the lip stick. She found her usual favourite, the lip gloss, and came to me so I could open it and put it on. On her, that is, not me!

The other day in Penny's, I found us (Chloe, Megan and I) hanging out at the children's accessory stand. Chloe wanted to try the hair bands, hair clips and hair bobbles (that was difficult, considering she is still practically bald!) She finally decided which packet of hair clips she wanted and we were on our way. Next, we stopped at the necklaces, with beads, big and small. It was like a girly girl heaven. Then she found a bag and was all set for the rest of the shopping trip, where I had to buy vests for the girls. Exciting, I know!

Another day, I was in a clothes shop with shoes. No sooner had Chloe seen the shoes, she was on the floor taking off her own to try on the shoes there. At peoples houses, if she spots a pair of shoes abandoned, she will try them on! She walks better in high heels than me!

In almost every shop we go into, we have to find some sort of a bag for her to carry around. I know what you are thinking, I should buy her one. But once we are out of the shop she isn't interested anymore, and if I bought her every bag she fancied in the shop, she would have a collection that would rival her Aunty Mel's!

Yes, Chloe is turning into the ultimate girly girl, and she is not even 2! Now, lets look at me... I am not the ultimate girly girl. WHERE did she get this obsession with shoes, bags, make up, and accessories in general? It just goes to prove that she has her own personality. It wasn't me who shaped it into what it is now, she is just like that.

Stewy has some life ahead of him! Hehehe. He couldn't stop saying "She's too young, she cant be into all this stuff yet, she's too young!".

Sunday, October 11, 2009

My Heart Stopped

So after such success of our last walk to the park, I decided to go again. Chloe walking along with her little buggy, she got a little bit ahead of me. Well, we came to a part in the path where you have to step off the path and then back on. Instead of stepping back onto the path Chloe started to wander onto the road. AHHHH.

You know when your Mom used to say "I've got eyes in the back of my head!!". Well, I don't know HOW I saw it. But I knew there was a truck coming from behind me. I didn't know how far away the truck was, I didn't know how fast it was going, I didn't know if the truck driver would be able to see my little dare devil or not. All I knew was there was a truck coming and MY little girl was in the road, completely oblivious to the dangers.

I let go of my buggy with Megan in it (bear in mind, that buggy could have also rolled right into the road as we were on a slope, but someone was watching out for me and my family) I ran into the road, grabbed Chloe by the arm and practically chucked her off the road. She started bawling crying, poor girl didn't know what had just happened. The truck drove past, and was going quite slowly, so I don't know if the truck had waited for me until I got my baby, or what had happened. All I know was, we were all OK! Phew. We were also right by the playground, so Chloe wasn't crying for too long.

It's funny, I had just been thinking about what I would do if Chloe walked into or fell into the road, I of course decided that I would do exactly what I did.

I'm pretty sure my heart stopped!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


No this isn't going to be about the "joys" of teaching Chloe to share, now that Megan wants to play with all the toys.

This is about teaching Mommy to share.

So after over an hour of particular stress and chaos created by two very unhappy girls I eventually got them calmed down and playing nicely. (Still have no idea what was actually wrong with them!) I decided I deserved a treat. Since I'm trying (notice I said trying...) to enforce the rule "Strictly no junk in the house" I got a yummy yoghurt from the fridge and sat down to the computer. No sooner had I opened the yoghurt, Chloe had stopped playing with whatever it was she was playing with and was clearing the seat next to me. Megan was sitting on the floor in front of me and she was also soon looking around to see what all the fuss was. Now, I have no problem sharing! But Chloe inhales food that doesn't require chewing, and Megan has taken a liking to being spoon fed FAST. Me, on the other hand, I like to slowly eat my treat, and really enjoy it. Some for me, some for Chloe some for Megan. By the time I get back to me, Chloe is getting excited about her next spoonful and is bouncing a little, and Megan is whinging "more, now more more now now now now more". I just stopped and starting laughing! I couldn't help it, the two girls just looking at me in anticipation for their next bit of yogurt! It was too funny. Chloe started laughing with me, like she knew why I was laughing, and Megan soon followed.

I continued to share my yoghurt, I didn't get much of it :) But as soon as we were finished, Chloe took the yogurt pot from me, and brought it to the bin, calling herself a "Goo Gir" (Good Girl).

I love my girls :)

Fab Cold Morning

Never thought I would say that!!

Well, it didn't start out so great. Megan woke at some awful hour and I fed and fed her until she was back asleep, but wouldn't release me. Then I could hear it, the cries of my other little girl. That feeling of disappointment that I wouldn't get to sleep just another 20 min came over me. Then I carefully pulled away from the "one" who was holding me prisoner. Phew, she didn't wake. Brrrrrr IT'S COLD! Straight to turn on the heating, for the first time since moving in here, run around the house turning on the radiators, only to find that most of them have been on the whole time, but not actually getting hot! Brrrr.

I get on with the morning routine, feeding, changing nappy's and getting dressed. It was cold out, but the sun was out, it was a fresh Autumn morning. I decided to put the warmest of coats on the girls and go for a walk. I only had the single buggy, as Stewy had taken the car with the double buggy to work. I brought along Chloe's little buggy and we set off on our "adventure".

It was today, while walking, that it hit me, Chloe is not a baby anymore.Of course, I've known for quite a while that she is getting all big and grown up, it just really hit me today. She was so so cute, waving at everyone that passed, "chatting" to me, and to strangers.

We arrived at the park, and she pointed with glee. Of course, I forgot that just yesterday it had been lashing! So everything was soaking wet, I look in the baby bag, "I have to have something in here that will dry the necessary playground items, a bib maybe?" No nothing, just one last nappy! Perfect I thought, its made to soak up wetness. Not so perfect. Chloe was soaked by the time we were finished! She also decided to clean everything in the park with this nappy! Funny site, I was the only one there, so I wasn't embarrassed into stopping her.

Great, Megan needs a feed... its freezing out here. I manage to hold her in her giant coat and feed for a while. Brrrr. Chloe announces its time to go by grabbing her buggy and saying "Cum-om" (Come on). Off we go and wave "Bye" to the park. We walk past a wall and some trees and Chloe looks around and sees a playground! She points with glee, and protests until I give in and follow her to this "newly" found park. Her buggy gets "stuck" in the grass a few times and she needs "help". When we get closer to the "new" park she looks in disgust and says "nooo ***pause*** NO!!", turns around and is ready for the walk home. :)

We passed a man playing the accordion, and she was looking at him, very concerned. She wasn't brave enough to start dancing until we had passed him a couple of feet. She inspected every window and doorway. The dogs that passed got a scream of delight from her. The people that walked by were waved at.

It was a lovely morning. We got home and I made some soup, after changing Chloe out of her wet cold clothes, we sat at the kitchen table drinking our soup, chatting.

What a big girl she is...

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Multi Tasking

Us women are known to be able to multi task :) You know, talk on the phone, cook dinner AND feed the baby, that kind of thing! Time is of the essence. Well, very early on in Megans life, I taught myself to feed her, and to use the computer at the same time. It was my time to check up on my friends, posts questions, and problems on my favourite website,

Megan was about 3 weeks old, and while feeding her, I posted on the above website, telling all the other breastfeeding Mums telling them I was in absolute agony. Toe curling pain! I got quick replies, and by the end of the feed I had latched Megan on correctly, and was in much less pain! Megan also got such a satisfying full feed. So my multi tasking was win win for both of us.

Now, however, Megan has decided that feeding time is time for her. Nothing else! If I try talk to someone, she stops feeding, and gives me a look. Similarly if someone else tries to talk to me... they get that look. I've started to put a blanket over her while feeding in public, to stop her pulling away, and exposing me to the world. So you can imagine how she reacts if I start tap tap tapping on the keyboard. I have the keyboard on the armrest of the couch. She pulls away, has a look at what I'm tapping on, gives it a couple of smacks until it falls off the arm rest and continues her feed! She even gives out to me if i dare move my arm to use the mouse!!

My multi-tasking days seem to be over.