Monday, August 31, 2009

First Post :)

I have never blogged before! I'm not even sure if this will last past a week or a month. I may not write in it often, and sometimes I may write more than once a day. This will mainly be to keep my family (Spear Family) updated on the Phoenix Family! The Spear Family, who are living in various parts of Ireland (and USA). My parents who are preparing to go on another mission with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, so in a few months they could be anywhere in the world. Leaving the "Spear Clan" completely separated from each other **sob sob**.

To update on where I am right now in life, I have two beautiful girls. Chloe, almost 21 months and Megan almost 5 months. Stewy is working in a cafe in Guinness (Dublin) and at the end of October he could be offered a job anywhere in Ireland. I wish we knew now where we are going to be, its scary not knowing.
A recent "big" event in Chloes life - We "weaned" her from the bottle. Not so much wean as taking it from her never to be seen again! That first night without the bottle might have been the worst night EVER! She cried for almost TWO hours! But, 3 nights later and she only cried for a few minutes. She now goes to her cot with Daddy, who reads her a story and says prayers with her. Daddy leaves, and there's not a peep out of her! WOW didn't think it was possible. Its a little different if Mommy tries to put her to bed. :) Nap time during the day she can cry for up to 10 min (usually only 2 or 3 mins) and if I put her to bed at night it can be a few mins of whinging aswell. The sudden need for "bedtime routine" was brought about when we realised that Megan was quickly growing out of the moses basket. Next step will be to put Chloe into the beautiful new bed we bought for her and giving Megan the cot. I think Stewy will do the switch this weekend while the girls and I are in Cork (I don't want Chloe actually seeing her cot being brought into our room for Megan.) Will let you know how the move goes.
Megan- Well she is growing WAY too fast! :( I had a chat with her, and begged her to stay little, and be my baby forever, but no chance. Pretty mean of her! ;) She also rolled over a few weeks ago, a few times, but hasn't since. Its something Chloe never did (lazy girl) so it was really exciting for Stewy and I. We just bought her a mobile for her move to a big girls cot, I tried it out with her the other day and she went straight off to sleep! Without a dummy, or a breastfeed, or me rocking and singing to her, amazing. Chloe was never interested in her toys, so we never saw a need to get one for her, but Megan is just fascinated.
Have I mentioned that Chloe and Megan are completely different babies! They are so different, its like being a first time Mom all over again. Chloe absolutely adores her baby sister, if Chloe has been away for the day with Daddy or Nanny, when she gets home she cant wait to see Megan and give her kisses, forget Mommy! :) Its cute. At the playground, if another child tries to even look at Megan, or if they are just passing by, Chloe will stand by the buggy and snarl at the poor child. Chloe is protective.
Me - I am trying to loose the baby weight, from both babies :) I am getting there, slowly. If I could motivate myself to do more exercise (which I do with -love it) I would lose it faster. Just need motivation, anyone else have any to spare??
Stewy- Has just set up and started playing in a football team "Ongar Rovers". Ongar is a village (town??) in Dublin, but funnily enough, most of the team don't even live in Ongar, including Stewy! The team is not doing so well yet, they have won 1 out of 3 games, I wont go into the scores, I might get into trouble! :)

Ok, well, until next time (whenever that may be, tomorrow, next week, next month??)


  1. Great stuff, Cath.An enjoyable and funny read. Love the blog, keep it up.I agree, Megan is growing too fast-maybe if you bashed her on the head a few times.........see you all soon.MOM

  2. way more fun to read than mine! yeah someone else is blogging
