Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Price of 20 Minutes Peace

I was tired, I wasn't ready to get up. So I did the unthinkable... I brought the children downstairs, I turned on the TV, gave them a packet of biscuits, gave Chloe a yogurt and laid out some toys.

I went back to bed. It was about 20 minutes before Chloe came up and literally pulled me out of bed.

That night I spent over an hour cleaning up the mess that had been created in that 20 minutes.

Was it worth it? Its hard to say. Sometimes, peace is priceless. But I hate cleaning up...


  1. OMG. This sounds like my house. To a T!! Just found your blog on Mammy Diaries. Love it. Plans to stalk you immediately!! Come visit me sometime too if you wish:
