Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Good Day

This morning, I looked out the window and the sun was shining, but the clouds were threatening to cover it up. It being Ireland and all, I bet that the clouds would win, so I took my time getting up and getting the girls ready for the day.

That meant that Chloe gave me a chance to remember why I love her so much (its been tough as of late, the two of them riding my last nerve). While Megan was crawing around (yes, she is finnally crawling at almost 10 months) Chloe climbed into bed with me and we had some fun. We sang, "If you're happy and you know it, Ticklce Chloe/Mommy" and we played "Peek-a-Boo" under the covers, and we just laughed. I really needed that reminder, you know, that its not ALL bad :).

Then it was apparent that the sun had won the battle! So as quick as lightning I threw shoes, hats and coats on the girls and chucked Megan into the buggy and we went for a walk before I had to leave to go to work.

Well, what fun! Chloe decided to chase the birds, what a sight, it made me smile. Then Chloe decided to play chase with me. She was running away with the best laugh ever. Megan and I ran after her, and Im sure that the boys who play in this particular football field wont be too pleased with the nice big marks my heavey 3 wheel buggy made right through the middle of their field. Oh Well!

It was just a great morning all round!

Then to finish off the day, Chloe was insisting to go into Megans door bouncer, and she just looked so funny! So Cute.

Good Day (Ill just leave out all the tantrum throwing, screaming parts)


  1. What a great sounding day :) Isn't it nice when they remind you that it's not all bad? HOping to take a walk with the girls myself before the sun does a disappearing act down here in Cork. It's lovely out! Can't wait to see you all again soon :)

  2. Sounds like a fun day. I'd love to see a pic of Chloe in that bouncer. Too cute!!
