Us women are known to be able to multi task :) You know, talk on the phone, cook dinner AND feed the baby, that kind of thing! Time is of the essence. Well, very early on in Megans life, I taught myself to feed her, and to use the computer at the same time. It was my time to check up on my friends, posts questions, and problems on my favourite website,
Megan was about 3 weeks old, and while feeding her, I posted on the above website, telling all the other breastfeeding Mums telling them I was in absolute agony. Toe curling pain! I got quick replies, and by the end of the feed I had latched Megan on correctly, and was in much less pain! Megan also got such a satisfying full feed. So my multi tasking was win win for both of us.
Now, however, Megan has decided that feeding time is time for her. Nothing else! If I try talk to someone, she stops feeding, and gives me a look. Similarly if someone else tries to talk to me... they get that look. I've started to put a blanket over her while feeding in public, to stop her pulling away, and exposing me to the world. So you can imagine how she reacts if I start tap tap tapping on the keyboard. I have the keyboard on the armrest of the couch. She pulls away, has a look at what I'm tapping on, gives it a couple of smacks until it falls off the arm rest and continues her feed! She even gives out to me if i dare move my arm to use the mouse!!
My multi-tasking days seem to be over.
Megan was about 3 weeks old, and while feeding her, I posted on the above website, telling all the other breastfeeding Mums telling them I was in absolute agony. Toe curling pain! I got quick replies, and by the end of the feed I had latched Megan on correctly, and was in much less pain! Megan also got such a satisfying full feed. So my multi tasking was win win for both of us.
Now, however, Megan has decided that feeding time is time for her. Nothing else! If I try talk to someone, she stops feeding, and gives me a look. Similarly if someone else tries to talk to me... they get that look. I've started to put a blanket over her while feeding in public, to stop her pulling away, and exposing me to the world. So you can imagine how she reacts if I start tap tap tapping on the keyboard. I have the keyboard on the armrest of the couch. She pulls away, has a look at what I'm tapping on, gives it a couple of smacks until it falls off the arm rest and continues her feed! She even gives out to me if i dare move my arm to use the mouse!!
My multi-tasking days seem to be over.
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