Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Yummy Mummy v's Frumpy Mummy

So I went out today to meet up with a few Moms that I met from They are all Mums to baba's about the same age as Megan. We met in a Starbucks Cafe. Well, didn't I feel right out of place. They are all dressed so well with their hair and make-up perfect, with the top of the range buggy's, baby bags and baby clothes. I on the other hand have a sports bag as a baby bag, a second hand (top of the range mind you!) double buggy, and baby clothes from Penny's. I am not dressed well, and not a hint of make up on, and hair all scraggly. To top it all off they started talking about the "must-have" baby toys, toys that I can assure you are WAY too expensive for me to even look at! Don't get the wrong idea, they are a lovely bunch of women, and they don't judge me for being frumpy (well at least I don't think they do!?). I did feel right at home when they were talking about things like, sleeping through the night, addicted to the boob/dummy, not eating enough/too much, and hitting milestones. They are all just such yummy Mummies, and I couldn't help but feel a little envious.

Of course there is always the fact that even if I did have a clue of how to apply make-up, I would probably be too lazy to apply it every morning. People at church would be lucky if I decide to apply a little bit of eye make-up. But I would like to think that if I knew how to do my hair, that I would. I like my hair to look good, but really how do women manage to keep their hair down and for it to not get all tangled and look scraggly!? Without it looking like there is a ton of hair products in it? I would also like to think that if I knew how to dress like a yummy Mummy, that I would get good substitute clothing for cheaper in Penny's and Dunnes and still look great. I would love Trinny and Susannah to tell me "What not to Wear" or more importantly, What TO Wear!! Without making a TV appearance of course, how embarrassing.

So I did what I do best when I need a pick me up, I went shopping! Not such a great idea considering the last post, need to save money, not spend it! I bought my very first pair of skinny jeans (although I'm not sure they can be called skinny jeans unless you are a UK size 10 or under, like my skinny sister Jenna!!) They seem to be popular at the moment, and I wanted to feel like I was "in-fashion". They were only €5, so not a huge spend. I then had to buy boots (kind of like Ugg boots, but not) to go with the jeans, but they were only €9. (I'm trying to justify buying them by saying they were a bargain, but in reality I don't really NEED them). Then I noticed that its mostly teens that seem to be wearing the above items. Am I trying to be a teen again? So what if I am! I'm only 23, I deserve to dress young and not like a frumpy Mummy!

On a completely different note, Chloe is biting her nails! She is biting them so short that I'm sure that it's got to hurt. I blame myself, I very rarely cut her nails with a nail clippers because the first time I did, I chopped the tip of her finger off, no joke! So, I bit her nails and now she bites her nails. Even her toe nails!! (not so much her toe nails, but still, I have seen her do it!) So I went to the chemist to get that stuff that you put on kids nails to stop them biting them, but she is too young for it, as I suspected. Have no idea what to do, I want her nails to grow strong like her Daddy's, not weak like mine.

Megan is waking quite a few times at night, I am getting exhausted. She is waking for a suck on the boob, not a drink, just a suck. I have no idea what to do! I put a blue outfit on Megan today (something her Aunty Mel brought her back from America) and it looks lovely! Her eyes are so blue, so it looked really well. Must remember to take a pic.


  1. You are really you and don't need to hide behind that stuff! And at the risk of sounding stalkerish, you are a naturally beautiful girl.
    Tinyelf likes an ole nuzzle during the night too so she just sleeps in with us for the mo. Maybe if daddy tried settling her....
    don't have any advice about nails, crazypixie likes to grow talons.

  2. You are a yummy mummy, so natural, gorgeous hair, gorgeous skin. Your kids are healthy and happy, that is all that matters!

  3. Just finished reading all your posts. Loved them:) Whenever I read things that you write I feel like yelling out "ME TOO!!!!!" Had a great laugh at the toilet roll and McDonald's story and just yesterday made the effort to blowdry my hair and put on some makeup after catching a look at myself in the mirror and feeling waaay too much like a "before" picture. Lil got to wear a bit of lipstick to boot so we were quite styley indeed!
